Multi-slot Copy Paste

UPDATE: Windows now has multi-slot clipboard built-in. It is great.

The Inconvenience

A very common issue while editing any text-based work is copying and pasting more than one string, eg. replacing one item while not overriding system clipboard and still perserve this one item for further use. So far, we solved this issues with:

  • copy item 1, navigate to item 2
  • paste item 1 (not replacing item 2)
  • cut item 2, navigate to item 1
  • replace item 1

At the end, you are left with item 2 in your system clipboard while item 1 is at location 2. Recalling item 1 is again navigating to item 2 and copying item 1 (while replacing item 2 on a system clipboard). Well, this kinda sucks.


I created a simple tool that alows you to have up to 9 slots on clipboard to copy to and recall from (paste) strings.

  • COPY: Set slot data with Left CTRL + WINDOWS + Numpad 1-9
  • PASTE: Recall slot data with Left CTRL + ALT + Numpad 1-9
  • RESTORE: Restore previous clipboard content with Left CTRL + ALT + Backspace
  • INSPECT: Display all slots content in popup window with: Left CTRL + ALT + Numpad 0
It does not interfere with standard Windows Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V hotkeys – you can still use them for files, images, text. Other slots are meant for text only.


I Need This!

Script is based on AHK (Auto Hotkey), awesome free windows software. You can start using Multi-slot Copy Paste in two ways:

If you already have installed AHK on your system, just get mutltislotCopyPaste.ahk script from github and add it to your startup folder.


Download Multi-slot Copy PasteIf you don’t have AHK or if you don’t wish to install it, here is an alternative for you: AHK script converted to .exe with their integrated tool. (1.1MB)


Both script and .exe can be added to system startup folder, so Multi-slot Copy Paste is available right from the very beginning. Here is the common path to system startup folder:
Press ‘Win + R’ and paste: %appdata%MicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsStartup
Than just create shortcut to this .ahk or .exe file.

See docs on githGitHub how to customize script to your own shortcuts.