Author name: Nejc

Air assist nozzle on a laser cutter

Air Assist Nozzle for Laser Cutter

I solved the problem with burn marks on Klarart‘s laser cutter. Here is the blog post about details. At the end, I mentioned that the air assist nozzle might not be optimally shaped. Immediately I felt guilty for not backing that statement up. Here’s a quick-and-dirty CFD analysis of a wannabe ‘better’ air assist nozzle. […]

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Slow Chrome Remote Desktop Connection: Solved!

The Problem I’ve been using Chrome Remote Desktop quite happily for a while now. But sometimes it just wouldn’t work as expected. It would connect with no problems but then it would lag and stutter and most often, just freeze for quote a while. Or forever. But! I found and solved the problems with slow


OpenFOAM and DAKOTA: a Complete Guide

Running a single CFD simulation rarely provides enough information to find a good hydraulic or aerodynamic design of a component. In many cases the poor engineer has to wrestle an awfully long list of design parameters into a state-of-the-art shape. Luckily, OpenFOAM and DAKOTA together provide an almost ready-to-use solution just for that: Sensitivity analysis(long

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blockMesh for External Flows

The Old-Fashioned blockMesh BlockMesh is the weapon of choice for directly generating rather simple meshes of channels, pipes, 2D-stuff etc. Those are mostly internal flows. With external flows, life gets tough much quicker. Consider a very simple case of a 3D flow past a cube. You now need this many blocks: But the cube itself

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RunFunctions: a Quick Cheatsheet

All OpenFOAM tutorials have Allrun and Allclean scripts which call some mysterious RunFunctions from even more mysterious sources. The most mysterious thing of all this is how poorly those are documented. Since those are not a big deal, I decided to jot down some remarks so a newcomer can tell what they are for. The


Classy Classes for blockMesh

IMPORTANT! classy_blocks have been massively improved but this article hasn’t. Please refer to readme in repository for most up-to-date information and examples. blockMesh: pros and cons blockMesh is a great tool for creating simple and quick meshes. It also creates structured meshes and offers total control over its cells, which snappyHexMesh (and many other) doesn’t.

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