
dlpt – Damogran Labs Python Tools

This is just a quick shout-out to our first official Python package on PyPi: dlpt – Damogran Labs Python Tools, which was just released! This library should cover the most everyday use cases that you encounter while writing any Python project. Most of dlpt functions are basically a wrappers around built-in functions, that take care […]

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Points and Vectors

I occasionaly write scripts for geometry optimization, therefore I have to wrestle with geometry. Graphically very easy problems become Ye Royale Paine In Ye Buttocks to solve analytically. At first I wrestle with piles of points, lines, determinants, trigonometric functions and whatchamacallits. Then replace all of that with a few points and vectors. Here are

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RC Filter Frequency Pole Calculator

There are numerous RC filter pole calculators online and I happily used them for a quick calculations while DIYing. The problem is that these online calculators calculate frequency pole where gain decreases by 3dB, which is  fine, but what if you need to know the frequency of some (first-order) filter while given only the specifications about

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DIY Constrained Path Optimization

The Problem: Path optimization The exact origin of this problem is somewhat blurry but since I already have the solution I won’t put much effort into clarifying it. We have a particle that moves along a spatial curve, starting from point r1 with a defined velocity of v1 and ending its path at r2 with

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