
Multi-slot Copy Paste

UPDATE: Windows now has multi-slot clipboard built-in. It is great. The Inconvenience A very common issue while editing any text-based work is copying and pasting more than one string, eg. replacing one item while not overriding system clipboard and still perserve this one item for further use. So far, we solved this issues with: copy […]

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Settings Menu for Arduino-based Devices

Settings Menu: the Origin I was building a level meter for a water cistern based on Arduino and ultrasonic distance meters. Since I had no exact data about the cistern dimensions the meter had to support on-the-fly changing of parameters. I decided to use a display with a settings menu. Many devices need at least

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Damogran Soup

Damogran Soup

Here’s a quick tutorial on interFoam solver from the OpenFOAM toolbox. It demonstrates how much mess one makes when sneezing close to a bowl of soup. The Case Every time I sneeze during lunchtime my imagination runs wild with images of soup splattering all over the place. It wouldn’t be very polite to try it

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OpenFOAM postprocessing: a few shortcuts

Run-time postprocessing For pump performance calculation (and in many other cases as well), one usually needs data about pressure rise (head), flow, and power. If cavitation is an issue, maximum and minimum values for pressure come in handy, also maximum and minimum velocity can tell about convergence or numerical issues. All of these values are
