The Cene CNC Configuration Guide

Edit February 12nd, 2016: there has been an update to this post.

Custom added connections on the back panel of Damogran Labs CNCSince we adopted Cene the 3040 4-Axis CNC, we’ve been working with it and on it. We added a few hardware improvements such as limit switches, tool length probe, LED lighting, closed coolant pump container, just to name a few. We have set up LinuxCNC, reverse engineered all parallel port connections and motor data, and added a few software routines for quicker and easier work. We’ve also changed a few settings on motor drivers because the default ones just didn’t work properly.

So in case you have a similar (or maybe even exactly the same machine), see this guide:

Damogran Labs CNC Configuration Guide

We’ve written if for you and (mostly) for ourselves. You might also make good use of our config files (updated 19.1.2016):

Damogran Labs LinuxCNC Configuration Files


Happy CNC-ing!